Thursday, 12 July 2012
Sweet William Plants
I hate to mention autumn, especially as the weather has been like November recently! However, one major part of gardening is planning ahead, so it's worthwhile thinking about late summer colour. Sweet William annuals are a great choice.
Jersey Plants Direct are selling 160 plug plants for just £14.49! Enough to fill your borders with a carpet of pink, white and purple petals. Order HERE
Friday, 6 July 2012
Spectacular Orchid
Sheri Anne a reader of has sent in this pic of an orchid her father in law has grown. It looks like someone has green fingers as this is quite spectacular!
It's always nice to hear from readers. If you have an amazing plant, or have anything else relating to gardening, the countryside, nature, weather etc then please feel free to send us your pics via the upload form here. Copyright remains wth the sender;
Wednesday, 4 July 2012
B of the Bang
As I have said earlier these modern art sculptures are a really ineffective and expensive way of revamping areas. Just think what £2 million could have bought in ready to plant 8-12ft ornamental trees such as Olives, Yews, Yuccas, Acers etc. This would have been enough for a whole area and now a few years after the games is over the place would be looking better than ever, as the trees would be even more mature. The 2 million would be benefiting the area for decades to come, not just a flash in a pan like B of the Bang.
Sunday, 1 July 2012
Damien Hurst Statue
Ilfracombe please ditch the vanity sculpture and spend the money on trees, plants, keeping the beaches immaculate etc.
Don't underestimate the tourist appeal of being a place untouched, where not much happens.
Saturday, 30 June 2012
Britan's Biggest Wildflower Meadow
Tuesday, 19 June 2012
Rhinoceros poaching
Friday, 15 June 2012
Drought Plants? You must be kidding!
Well, the good old British weather has had a big change of mind and we've been soaked through ever since. Hosepipe ban cancelled, places flooded out and a great big storm on its way.
As it's 30 years today since the liberation of the Falkland Islands, perhaps the only name for this storm brewing has to be HURRICANE MAGGIE!!
Monday, 11 June 2012
The Allure of An Allotment
Friday, 8 June 2012
Largest Wind Farm in UK
You can see the wind turbines here;
Saturday, 2 June 2012
Diamond Jubilee Gladioli
It's certainly a summer of red, white and blue with the Diamond Jubilee and British Olympics, so if you want your garden to match your Union flag bunting then how about these Jubilee Gladioli that will flower this year in August if you order them now. As they are bulbs they will then flower year after year during the summer. Height: 45cm (18”). Spread: 10cm (4”).
For just £10.99 you can get a mixed total of 18 Corms so this isn't jsut a feeble little attempt. This will transform your garden into the most patriotic in the street! ;0)
You can order HERE
Tuesday, 29 May 2012
Solar Farm
I suppose one good thing is that it's not been concreted over and in theory the land can be returned to it's normal state at some point. I like solar energy but I think the panels should be put on roofs of large factories, office blocks, urban industrial parks etc and not in the middle of the countryside. Farm fields should be kept for growing food.
Monday, 28 May 2012
RHS Chelsea Favourite
The only thing I think is missing is a few white water lillies in the pond.
You can see the garden yourself on BBC Iplayer move the dial to start at 4 minutes, if you want to avoid seeing alan Titchmarsh drooling over Claudia Schieffer HAHA!
You can also learn more about the garden on the designer's website here;
Saturday, 26 May 2012
Police Investigate Jeremy Clarkson
Monday, 21 May 2012
Olympic Torch - Eden Project
The Olympic flame passes through the Eden Project Biome in Cornwall during the first stretch of its long journey across the British Isles.
RHS Chelsea Show Gardens
DMZ Forbidden Garden - Looks a bit like an overgrown disused concentration camp. Mmm interesting....
Trailfinders Australian Garden - Fair dinkum, but its not exactly the garden of paradise more like Madge off neighbours back garden.
Magical Tower Garden - looking at this 8 storey scaffold tower laden with Silver birch trees and other greenery, it makes you wonder what plants are on the top floor. Far out maaaan! I like it!
The Telegraph Garden - Another garden with Silver Birchs. Look lovely though don't they. It seems like a nice airy and spacious garden with water, attractive natural materials and plenty of plants. A light subtle touch. The designer, doesn't seem to have over egged the pudding.
Rooftop Workplace of Tomorrow Garden - I like parts of this garden. The glass fronted office looks great with the foliage wall, but I don't think much of the great big square raised planting area for a tree with all those big grey pebbles, far too drab and not enough colour.
The World Vision Garden - A really great modern garden with nothing to gimmicky. The water feature looks good and the Tree Ferns look super. I bet this garden is one a lot people say they would like to have as their back garden.
Thursday, 17 May 2012
RHS Chelsea Flower Show
RHS Chelsea, the world's most renowned garden show begins next week. Here is a few historical facts about the show;
Did you know?
• RHS Chelsea Flower Show was originally called the RHS Great Spring Show, and that name has never officially been changed.
• Despite the First World War, the show was held in 1914 – 1916, but cancelled in 1917.
• In 1926 the show was held a week late due to the General Strike.
• Japanese dwarf trees, now known as bonsai, were first seen at the first show in 1913.
• The show was cancelled during the Second World War, when the land was requisitioned by the War Office for an anti-aircraft site.
• In 1937, King George VI and Queen Elizabeth celebrated their Coronation year, and an ‘Empire Exhibition’ was staged. It featured wattles from Australia, pines from Canada, gladioli from East Africa and even a prickly pear from Palestine.
Wednesday, 16 May 2012
How to Create a Wild Flower Garden
Saturday, 12 May 2012
Dog Poo Bombs
In some ways getting everyone to wrap dog poo in un-biodegradable plastic really isn't a good idea. You see them in the verges, in the hedgerows, and yes even on your driveway as the dog walkers get sick of carrying their poo bombs so when they think no one is looking they throw it away.
I read Kirstie Allsop who is now a patron I think of Keep Britain Tidy has a passionate hatred of these gross additions to our parks and countryside and who can blame her.
Perhaps they should change the law so people are expected to cover their dog poop in sawdust rather than create plastic wrapped stink bombs!
Thursday, 10 May 2012
Seed Sale
Thompson Morgan have started their annual Veg seed sale and it runs until midnight 16th May. Packets available for just 34p. If you have a greenhouse or sunny window sill there might still just be enough time to get things growing for this year, or you could always put them somewhere safe and dry for next year.
View sale HERE
Cheap Greenhouse
It has a roll down entrance and inside there is enough space to grow seedlings, a few tomato plants etc. It is 6ft x 6ft in size. Another good thing about having a small greenhouse is they are handy for when its a bit nippy outside or raining and make for a nice warm and dry shelter. £49.99
Buy from Thompson & Morgan HERE
Tuesday, 8 May 2012
Keep Britain Tidy Leaflets & Posters
If you work in a community centre, church, doctors surgery, school or other place whether people gather, you might be interested in ordering a FREE poster or leaflets from Keep Britain Tidy. They have specific posters aimed at various types of litter problems and audiences.
There is also a poster to advertise any litter picking event you might want to organise in your area.
You can order them here if you live in the UK.
Monday, 7 May 2012
Aralia cordata 'Sun King' - Glow in the Dark Plant!
Van Meuwen has a new plant for sale that has a glow in the dark effect during dusk. If you click on the link below you can watch a short video which gives you an idea what it looks like. Perhaps it's because I used to love wearing Luminous yellow socks as a boy in the 80's but this certainly got my interest! It has white flowers then later in the season purple berries. Height and spread: 1m (39”).
1 plant in a 9cm pot - £9.99
Order from Van Meuwen HERE
Saturday, 5 May 2012
Super Moon
5th May 2012 there was a 'Super Moon' about 14% bigger and 30% brighter than a normal full moon. What's even more miraculous is that Newcastle managed to shut up for 1 minute 30 seconds on a Saturday night while I filmed it!
Mini Polytunnels
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Monday, 30 April 2012
RSPCA sell Land Left for Wildlife
So David Brown who no doubt toiled for years to pay for his house and land did not get his wish. The little wildlife haven he cherished has been destroyed by the very people who he thought would help him ensure it was preserved after he was dead. So, I suppose the most important thing to ensure this does not happen again elsewhere is to ensure if you are intending to leave any land to a charity, you write the will in a way that ensures that it bullet proof so for example;
'The land should NOT be developed on, it should only be used as a nature reserve and be kept in the best condition for native wildlife.''
Perhaps something like that would stop land being sold for development. Also, choosing the right charity is important. Perhaps Mr Brown thought of the RSPCA due to it's high profile as an animal charity and thought they must be the right charity to leave the land to. However, they don't really have nature reserves and focus more on animal cruelty and pets. As he lived in Alderly Edge in Cheshire, it's possible that a better charity would have been the Cheshire Wildlife Trust, as they like all other regional Wildlife Trusts across the UK are more suited to looking after small areas of woodland, and have nature reserves in suburban areas as well as larger reserves.
If you don't live in Cheshire, you can find your local Wildlife Trust here.
For larger pieces of land you could consider the National Trust, the RSPB, or if it is a farm you could leave it to the Countryside Restoration Trust. There is also more specialist conservation charities, so for example if you have a natural meadow there is Plantlife or the Grassland Trust. If the land is home to a rare butterfly species, the Butterfly Conservation Trust might be more suitable. I suppose the most important thing is to research who might be best to leave the land to if you want it to be preserved after you have gone. You could also consider leaving them the land when you're still around to ensure it is in a safe pair of hands and also get the pleasure of seeing it being improved and maintained.
Wednesday, 25 April 2012
Think Before You Flush
Think Before You Flush (TBYF) is an award-winning initiative from Surfers Against Sewage which raises public awareness about the problem that sanitary products (known in the business as Sewage Related Debris or SRD) cause in the sewage system and subsequently the marine environment when flushed down the toilet. They have been running a campaign in the Cornish town of Porthleven and are aiming to replicate the campaign nationwide. If you would like to help them in their mission to keep our coastal waters clean then get in touch via their website
Saturday, 21 April 2012
Water bore hole company
Friday, 20 April 2012
Garden Boreholes
Thursday, 19 April 2012
Butterfly Numbers
A Duke of Burgundy butterfly / image copyright: Keith Warmington
Tuesday, 17 April 2012
Fracking for Gas
Sunday, 15 April 2012
Alpine Plants in a Raised Border
Buy Alpine plants here
Buy Tulips here
Saturday, 14 April 2012
King Juan Carlos - Elephant Hunting
Friday, 13 April 2012
50 Things to do Before you are 11 3/4
Me and a little friend checking out the New Forest ponies.
The National Trust have published a list of 50 things children should try and experience before they are 11 3/4 as a way to encourage kids to enjoy the outdoors. I was lucky, growing up I was in the cubs, had a massive woodland and playing field at the end of my street, used to go on WATCH nature trips and my parents and grandparents were always taking us to the beach or places in the middle of nowhere. Today it's not so easy, with busier parents, busier roads, more fear about kiddy pervs, more built up areas etc. One thing I would definately advise is to take your child to Brownies or Cubs as this can be a great way for them to experience things on the list below, also check out your regional Wildlife Trust as they are often located in built up areas but arrange trips for kids to go pond dipping etc. Also camping and caravanning holidays give kids a chance to do some of these things in safer places, if you live in larger cities.
A few I have thought of which are not on the list - Find a bird nest (tell them not to knick the eggs, but its great watching the chicks) play in the sand dunes, dig a moat so the tide can fill it up, keeps some worms in a jar, catch a bumblebee in a jar (release it later) watering plants with the watering can, make a bridge across a stream, peel a stick with a pen knife, make a bow and arrow, take a dog for a walk, make a daisy chain, have a grass fight, help make a picnic, play hide and seek, make an igloo in the snow, give them some wood, saw and nails so they can make something, feed a horse.
1. Climb a tree
6. Run around in the rain
7. Fly a kite
8. Catch a fish with a net
9. Eat an apple straight from a tree
10. Play conkers
11. Throw some snow
12. Hunt for treasure on the beach
13. Make a mud pie
14. Dam a stream
15. Go sledging
16. Bury someone in the sand
17. Set up a snail race
18. Balance on a fallen tree
19. Swing on a rope swing
20. Make a mud slide
21. Eat blackberries growing in the wild
22. Take a look inside a tree
23. Visit an island
24. Feel like you're flying in the wind
25. Make a grass trumpet
26. Hunt for fossils and bones
27. Watch the sun wake up
28. Climb a huge hill
29. Get behind a waterfall
30. Feed a bird from your hand
31. Hunt for bugs
32. Find some frogspawn
33. Catch a butterfly in a net
34. Track wild animals
35. Discover what's in a pond
36. Call an owl
37. Check out the crazy creatures in a rock pool
38. Bring up a butterfly
39. Catch a crab
40. Go on a nature walk at night
41. Plant it, grow it, eat it
42. Go wild swimming
43. Go rafting
44. Light a fire without matches
45. Find your way with a map and compass
46. Try bouldering
47. Cook on a campfire
48. Try abseiling
49. Find a geocache
50. Canoe down a river
Thursday, 12 April 2012
Heinz Tomato Soup
Wednesday, 11 April 2012
How to Keep a Cactus Happy!
Monday, 9 April 2012
Hosepipe ban & mass immigration
Friday, 30 March 2012
Starlings where have you gone my darlings?
It seems this country could have a revolution over tax on pasties and full on fist fights are breaking out at petrol stations for reasons unknown, as a strike isn't even on at the moment. The plight of Starlings it seems is way down the pecking order for most people. However, it really should have been the top news story, people should be waving banners and tieing themselves to the gates of 10 Downing Street!
Being from an old coal mining region most people are familiar with the reason miners used to take canaries down the mines. It was so if they dropped dead the miners knew there was a gas leak and if they didn't get the hell out of there they'd be the next ones to snuff it. The Starling, the bees are all the canaries in the mine, warning us that something is not right. It seems we think every other living thing can drop dead around us and its no great shakes. Well, I reckon in the grand scheme of things it's more important than VAT on sausage rolls!
Tuesday, 27 March 2012
Nigel Farage Tweet's Common Sense
Monday, 26 March 2012
440 new Homes per Village Required
So, I was wondering what if instead of building large towns on greenbelts they instead allowed a few extra houses to be built in every village in the UK, would this solve the problem and how many houses would each village have to build to make up the 2 million new homes.
After a bit of digging around there is according to the Rural Communities department, 4,520 villages of fewer than 20,000 residents in the UK. Before knowing the number I thought perhaps 10 houses per village might be enough. However, this is not the case. To build 2 million new homes by just adding the houses to villages rather than towns and cities would require every village in the UK to build 440 new homes!
I don't think many villagers would be happy at all to see this number of houses built. It would mean many would double in size and 440 homes takes up quite a large area, not just an extra few homes at the top and bottom of a village entrance. Of course building solely onto villages will not happen, but it does give a very good indication of the scale of new housing that is about to take place. However, as I have wrote before and will no doubt write again, this is what the people of the UK have voted for. They voted over and over again for poltiical parties that allowed mass immigration on an unprecedented scale. Just last year net migration was 250,000 people, a city the size of Nottingham.
Having said that, the system whereby people only get to vote once every 5 years in a 'catch all' voting system so people are also thinking about the NHS, education, etc doesn't mean that they were voting in favour of huge immigration. In fact all polls for decades have showed a majority against allowing mass immigration (the politicians were well aware of this but ignored the will of the people). If a referendum had of taken place in the 1970s on the issue this country would now have a steady population of about 55 million, not 62 million heading fast towards and past 70 million.
Horse Chestnut Leaves Unfurling
Spring Bedding Plants
Saturday, 24 March 2012
New 100,000 Town Planned For Midlands
Daffodil Pics
A variety of Daffodil bulbs can be ordered via Thompson & Morgan
Click here
Friday, 23 March 2012
Cucumber 'Green Fingers' F1 Hybrid

These nifty little numbers are new from Thomson & Morgan. They do well growing outdoors with support. Keep picking them when they are snack ready size for a bountiful crop throughout the summer. 4 Seeds £3.99 (that's not a typo, yes just four seeds. Perhaps as it is new variety there isn't many seeds about. Just make sure you don't sneeze and blow them down a crack in the decking.)
CLICK HERE to order
Onion ‘Doux des Cevennes’
New from Thomson & Morgan. Onion ‘Doux des Cevennes’ is a popular variety in France (If the French like these onions who are we to argue?!). A heritage variety that has a mild, delicate flavour. 200 seeds just £1.99
CLICK HERE to order.
Thursday, 22 March 2012
Water - Greece v UK
So although their climate is a lot drier, the Greek population is one that is sustainable when compared with the amount of water they have available... whereas of course ours is not.
It was no surprise that this spokesman was saying the usual about using a thimble full of water to solve the problem and stayed well clear from the massive elephant in the front room guzzling up the water with its trunk.
I have not had a single answer to my questions to the organised monopoly currently making hundreds of millions of £££ from our water. Well, I'll give them a few days but don't hold your breath. I don't think they know the answers and if they do, they don't want to tell the public as it certainly won't look good.
Since I sent the questions I have also mused over the possibility that our water has been made into an increasingly expensive commodity. High population and demand with everyone on meters is surely a much more lucrative proposition for big multi national corporations than owning a plentiful supply and just getting a low subscription from customers every year.
Green - Death of a Forest
Watch the full film online here;
You can also buy a DVD on Patrick Rouxel's website and he is happy for it to be shown at public screenings. So perhaps it would be ideal for a showing at your local gardening club, church, WI etc.
Don't Be a Tosser - Take Your Litter Home
The signs were inspired after a trip to Australia. The words on the signs are
Some people in the nearby village of Stamfordham have been complaining about them and some have even been ripped down. It's a shame they don't direct their fury at the people leaving used condoms for walkers and children to come across. Theres enough sheep in the fields without the public turning into them. Good for Jo Riddell for having a backbone and trying to stand up for keeping the countryside litter free. It's time dropping disgusting litter like drugs stuff and condoms was a much more serious offence than dropping a crisp wrapper.
As for litter droppers being called Tossers. I think thats a perfect description. They're spoilt brats who care for nobody but themselves.
Tuesday, 20 March 2012
Lexus Lanes
Yesterday the government announced this concept is going to come to the UK, so the Rollers & Bentleys don't have to share the tarmac with the riff raff in Fiestas and Fiats. It seems the very people who wanted mass immigration for cheap nannies and plumbers now want to avoid the consequences of over population so will build there own personal roads to avoid the congestion.
You might think that if there is to be new roads they would be open to all but it seems not. These toll roads will also be private businesses who will make handsome profits after they have built them. The govt said they can't build them as we haven't got any money, but that didn't stop them spending £300 million blowing up Libyans. I wonder how much road that would have built?
Imagine what these roads are going to do to the countryside, slashing across the landscape. As I've said on other posts we have had 3 million immigrants in ten years, David Blunkett who was Home Secretary even said he saw no upper limit, well I suppose theres not if you accept living like a sardine and having more pollution, landfill, sewage works, huge housing estates, motorways etc.
I wonder what Swampy is up to these days?
Saturday, 17 March 2012
Happy St Patrick's Day
Brigit's Garden
Wednesday, 14 March 2012
Soil Moisture Levels - UK & Europe

This fascinating map (click for larger image)from an EU department give a snapshot of soil moisture levels throughout the UK and Europe. The orange indicates where soild is drier than average for the time of year and the darker the green the more above average soil moisure is in an area. It seems the South East of England was in the green, except for parts around London. However as you can see North East England and East Scotland are in the orange, indicating the ground is much drier than usual. As I'm from the North East I can say it's a bit of a myth about the north always being wet. The East is in a rain shadow and doesn't get that much rain. However, as I went to university in Manchester, the west is a different matter! ;0)
Spain looks like it is in big trouble with almost the whole country showing their soil is drier than average for this time of year.
Monday, 12 March 2012
Hosepipe Ban Declared
I have sent some questions to the press offices of all the water companies who have anounced the hospipe ban and I'm looking forward to sharing their replies with you all.
Saturday, 10 March 2012
See 5 Planets in one Night
Here is a vid from the BBC with instructions about what to look out for.
Friday, 9 March 2012
Dolphin Rescue in Brazil
Thursday, 8 March 2012
When you buy them as a gift, they typically come with an attractive plant pot. However, as they are just bulbs when you buy them it is not quite as instant as a bouquet of flowers or a Poinsettia with its deep red or white leaves.
You might be visiting the person for Christmas and not see them for a few months or longer, so it's possible you never get to see what the Amaryllis turns out like, other than an illustration on the box. So here one is, two months after Christmas Day....
Tuesday, 6 March 2012
Peacocks on the Loose
Meet the peacocks of Gargunnock.
Vid here, listen out for the journalists name at the end!!;
Monday, 5 March 2012
50ft Sperm Whale Washes Up Onto Beach
I was in Newcastle recently and the main shopping street had a team from WWF raising money for wildlife conservation. Every 10 metres they had someone asking the same thing, would you be willing to donate, I think it was £5, via text message. I'm not much of a mobile phone fan and often go out without one, so I told the chugger, I did not have a phone on me, even if I did I doubt I would have just sent a text message there and then. The cheeky chugger then replied there is a Carphone warehouse just a few shops up and he would wait while I bought a phone!? I continued up the street and watched as the chuggers literally dived in front of people pointing at theio chests as they did so, (they all had these laminate covered flip chart style booklets around their necks). I heard one of them say as I was walking past "this animal die if you don't donate today" or something very similar. It was quite funny how over the top it was.
It was an absolute freezing day in January and you could see the poor chuggers were frozen stiff and it didn't seem as though they were having much success. So I got thinking how they could do better and not annoy the public as much. I concluded they would be much better off having a proper table with leaflets, information boards and standing in a friendly cluster, perhaps in one of the indoor malls. They could stand and talk with the public, show them literature and sign up members, tell them about promotions such as raffles and the latest campaign the charity is working on. They could even have a board with the text number to donate, so people if they want can in their own time stand and donate some money. So, perhaps this might be an alternative to the chugger method, and perhaps it might be more lucrative for the charities?
Thursday, 1 March 2012
Mike de Gruy - Wildlife Cameraman 1951 - 2012
He had filmed underwater footage for BBC Natural History blockbusters; Life in the Freezer, The Trials of Life and Blue Planet. In the 70's he was nearly killed in the Pacific after being attacked by sharks and he got into freezing waters with sea lions so he could better film them being attacked by a pod of orca whales.
The film he captured of a shark leaping from the sea to grab a low-flying albatross is seen as one of the most amazing pieces of wildlife footage ever filmed.
Here is his personal website with more info about him and his work.
Wednesday, 29 February 2012
Foxtail Lilly

I was just skimming through a plant catalogue in a newspaper and WOW, did these foxy numbers stand out. Foxtail Lillies Eremurus robustus will add real height and colour to a border!
Flowering Period:June, July
Position:full sun
15 bare roots, 5 of each colour £14.97
Buy from Van Meuwen CLICK HERE
What is a NIMBY?
A nimby is someone who objects to a development near to their home, so for example someone campaigning to stop a housing development on farm fields next to their house would be considered a Nimby.
There is of course nothing wrong with being a nimby, who would want a mobile phone mast yards from their front drive, or a new housing estate at the end of the village, where there is a wild meadow?! HOWEVER, a lot of 'nimbys' are hypocritical, they complain about something being built near them, but if you look closer you find their actions do not match their objections. So for example, a village might have voted for the last ten years for Labour, despite knowing they allowed huge immigration of 3 million people, they continued to vote for them. Of course, a booming population, where net immigration was 250,000 increase each year, a city the size of Nottingham, means more housing is needed to cope with all the extra new households, people can't live in rabbit warrens. If a 'nimby' has on the other hand wrote letters complaining about mass immigration, has voted for parties who are anti mass immigration, they can be a nimby without being a hypocrite. However, all those waving banners against the consequences of what they voted for, really are someone who is only concerned about their back yard and just want the houses built next to someone elses village.
Tuesday, 28 February 2012
WIN a Morgan 3 Wheeler Sports Car

I'm always amazed at the number of interesting environmental and nature charities in the UK. The latest one I have recently came across is the British Horse Loggers Charitable Trust. The clue is in the title, they are an organisation that promotes horse logging in Britain. You might wonder, why on earth in this modern age there will be any demand for horses that pull felled logs through forests, like the Victorian era. However, if you visit their website you will soon learn like I did of how they can be used to save money by not requiring tracks to be built, they can work on steep unsteady ground and leave a very light footprint on the areas they have been to. They also can be used for flattening heather and cutting meadowland.
The news is that Morgan, a traditional British car manufacturer who still uses wood for its frames is sponsoring an apprenticeship scheme so these traditional skills can be passed on. They have donated a Morgan 3 wheeler for a raffle. Tickets come in books of 5 and are £10 per ticket. So entry to win this eye catching little motor is £50, although you could get a few friends to each buy a ticket, reducing the price to £10 per person.
By post from Doug Joiner, Hill Farm, Bosbury, Ledbury, HR8 1HE, send an S.A.E. and cheque for £50 payable to 'British Horse Loggers Charitable Trust' for each book of 5tickets.
February Wasp!
Monday, 27 February 2012
Walmart GM Sweetcorn
If you read the full article it claims that the sweetcorn has been genetically modified to include a toxin found in poisonous catepillars. The idea is that the insects eat the corn then the toxin kills them without requiring pesticide.
It is unknown what effect consuming a plant that produces this toxin will have on humans, however lab rats that fed the Bt corn suffer from organ failure.
The Walton family who own Walmart are one of the richest families in the world, so I would like to know to put everyones fears to rest will they publically eat a large bowlful of this sweetcorn at one of their supermarkets?
All Alone
Can UK wildlife cope with drought?
Wildlife that could be affected include newts and the rare Natterjack toad, whereas other species like snakes thrive in the drier conditions.
The film above is a Natterjack toad in Slitere National Park in Latvia, here in the UK they can be found in parts of the South of England and the coastline of Cumbria and Dumfries.
Saturday, 25 February 2012
CWGC - Director of Horticulture
The job is based in Maidenhead, Berkshire, but no doubt there will be travel involved to various sites on different continents. Each cemetery looks similar with the distinct headstones and Lutyen designed architecture, however the plants are chosen for the climate, so a war cemetery in Normandy might have Lavender, roses and Dianthus, etc whereas those in North Africa have palms, olives and cacti.
The Director will be in charge of managing the gardeners throughout the world, training, horticultural plans etc so no doubt the CWGC will be looking for someone with great experience and training. Full details here;
Tuesday, 21 February 2012
Gardens to Visit - Barnsdale Gardens

The latest 'Gardens to Visit' page is about Barnsdale Gardens. They were created by former BBC Gardener's World presenter Geoff Hamilton, who sadly died in the 1990's.
There is loads of different styles of gardens, such as a Japanese garden, cottage garden, allotment garden, and a formal pond and knot garden to name just a few so visitors can get loads of ideas and inspiration for their own gardens.
Here is the link;
and here is the full list of garden to visit pages;
If you work for, own or volunteer for a garden that is open to the public and would like to be featured just email and I will email you the info. As an editorial page it is FREE to set up.
Ice Age Flower Blooms Again!!
What an amazing achievement, next stop Jurrasic Park! You can see a picture of the plant in flower via the link below;
Honk the Litterbugs!!
People who just drop litter like that really get on my nerves!! Even at the age of 6 I used to carry all my sweet wrappers in my trouser pockets until I could put them in a bin,they were always full of Chewit and Curly Wurly wrappers. So I just can't understand why grown adults just treat the place like an open air dump.
Today at a roundabout a sports car pulled up, I was going straight over and the women in the car was waiting to turn left. She just wound the window down and dropped some paper onto the road, without a care in the world. Within a split second I give a good honk of my horn, if nothing else you get a good laugh because It's funny to see the persons reaction. (It was so obvious she knew what the honk was for) So the next time you see someone dropping litter, give them a honk and lets keep Britain tidy!