Today is Winter Solstice the longest night of the year. It's a great milestone in the gardeners year, as it means it has got as gloomy as it can get and from now on each night will be 5 minutes lighter and before you know it, it will be Spring!
No wonder our ancestors without electric lighting or heating celebrated the fact they had reached the darkest point and were heading back to warmer days and longer days.
Thursday, 22 December 2011
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
Frankincese Trees Under Threat
Interesting article about how Frankincese is made and how the trees where the resin is taken from are under threat from development.
Tuesday, 20 December 2011
My Kinda Town! - Todmorden
I remember reading about this West Yorkshire town last year, and now the Daily Mail have done an article about them. Tordmorden is leading the way when it comes to grow your own and community gardening. They have fruit and veg growing all over the place eg. roundabouts, car parks, and canal sides.
Word is spreading around the world about what Todmorden is achieving, and its highly likely there will be plenty of copycat towns growing their own, but its likely rather than annoy the people of Todmorden, it'll make them proud!
Word is spreading around the world about what Todmorden is achieving, and its highly likely there will be plenty of copycat towns growing their own, but its likely rather than annoy the people of Todmorden, it'll make them proud!
Monday, 19 December 2011
Gardens to Visit - Stillingfleet Lodge Gardens, York

Just 6 miles outside of historic York, a series of gardens surrounding an 18th century farmhouse.
Christmas Gift Idea No.9 World Land Trust

Credit: Elwood W. McKay III
If you're struggling for an idea for a Christmas gift, pressed for time or the person has requested you donate some money to charity on their behalf, the Worl Land Trust might be just the answer. They can send the gift certificate by email as a pdf. You can buy an acre of rainforest or donate to a range of conservation projects.
View gift options here
Sunday, 11 December 2011
How to make Your Own Christmas Wreath

Here is a good page on the RHS website about making your own Christmas using materials from the garden, country lanes etc. Fun to do with kids and look great on your front door.
Garden & Countryside Events 2012
Now is a good time to be uploading your planned events, farmers markets, garden shows etc for 2012. It is easy to do and does not cost anything.
Just click add event then complete details.
Just click add event then complete details.
Sunday, 4 December 2011
Christmas Gift Idea No. 8 English Heritage Membership

An alternative to RSPB gif membership is a gift membership for English Heritage for people that love day trips to the countryside. English Heritage has 400 hundred glorious places to visit throughout England such as historic houses, prehistoric sites like Stonehenge, castles, Hadrians Wall, etc and the gift membership means free entry for a whole year. The Membership comes as a packaged voucher and booklet, containing all the information needed for the recipient to redeem their Gift of Membership. Last date for Royal Mail Christmas postage - midnight on 18th December.
Student (under 19 and NUS Members) £34.50
Adult (age 19-59) £46.00
Senior (age 60+) £33.50
Adult and Senior £66.50
Couple (age 19-59) £80.00
Senior Couple (age 60+) £54.50
Buy membership HERE
Christmas Gift Idea No 7. RSPB Membership

The RSPB does a great job protecting Britain's wild birds and their habitats. A gift membership is a great way of supporting their work and also is a gift that can bring a lot of pleasure to the recipient over the following 12 months. It might inspire them to get involved and become a volunteer, or an avid bird watcher, a hobby that involves getting out and about in the countryside.
Gift membership has to be bought by 17th December to ensure it arrives for Christmas. It is £36 for a years membership, or you can opt to pay £3 a month to spread the payments.
Buy membership HERE
Christmas Gift Idea No. 6 Garden Kneeler

Weeding can get a bit more uncomfortable as you grow older, so a garden kneeler is a good practical gardening gift that gardeners of a certain age will appreciate. having said that anyone can use one, as it can keep your knees from getting damp and stones digging into them while you work. The garden kneeler can also be used as a small stool, which is great for when you are potting seeds etc.
Vistore sells garden kneelers for £28 inc delivery.
Buy online HERE
Saturday, 3 December 2011
Christmas Gift Idea No. 5 Vegetable Seeds

Christmas Day is only 3 months before seeds are planted, so a few vegetable seed packets in the stocking are always appreciated. For a small outlay, the gift recipient as long as they put the work in get quite a huge present when harvest comes later in the year. Blooming Direct sell the well known Mr Fothergills range;
Click here to buy vegetable seeds.
Christmas Gift Idea No 4. The Garden & Nature Quiz Book

The Garden and Nature Quiz Book is a selection of quizzes about gardening and nature eg. grow your own quiz, bird quiz, national park quiz, tree anagrams etc. Ideal for garden club gatherings, allotment society barbecues or to keep in the shed or greenhouse to complete while your having a break, or at home when the weather is bad.
£4.99 plus £2 UK P&P
Order the book online HERE
Friday, 2 December 2011
Christmas Gift Idea No 3. Hyacinths

Hyacinth are renowned for their pleasant, fresh scent, and a basket of Hyacinth bulbs to place on a windowsill or dining table are always appreciated. They will give an early splash of colour and will last a lot longer than a bunch of flowers. Once the bulbs have bloomed they can be planted outdoors, so they will come up the following spring.
Deluxe Hyacinth Basket
26% OFF - SAVE OVER £6
Despatch: December 2011
Price: (£24.99) £18.29
Buy HERE from Thompson & Morgan
Christmas Gift Idea No 2. Holly Tree

Holly is the perfect tree for a Christmas gift. For centuries people have been decorating their homes with Holly. The person you give the holly to can use it for decorating their home over the festive period, but then can plant it out in their garden, and it will grow to a decent size and make an attractive, evergreen garden feature.
Tree2mydoor who specialise in tree gifts (Oaks, Scots Pines etc) sell Holly trees for £24.50, they are 20-40cm tall and come in an attractive canvas covered pot with card and can either be sent to the recipient direct or the gift givers home address.
Order from Tree2mydoor HERE
Christmas Gift Idea No 1. London Zoo Pass

London Zoo is an Oasis of world wildlife in the centre of London, it is possible to get a years membership, so you can go for walks around the zoo and observe the animals as often you like throughout the various seasons.
Family 1 (1 adult and up to 5 children)
Previously £150 now £120
Family 2 (2 adults and up to 5 children)
Previously £225 now £180
Joint adult
Previously £165 now £132
Joint concession
Previously £150 now £120
Previously £90 now £72
Previously £77.50 now £62
Christmas Gift Ideas
In the run up to Christmas, the blog section of will be featuring Christmas present ideas for people who love gardening, nature, outdoor pursuits etc.
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